What I have to vociferate at world sometimes - Lo que tengo que vociferar algunas veces al mundo - O que eu tenho que gritar algumas vezes ao mundo - La kia mi havas krii kelkfoje a la mondo
I rememeber I sms her "y nadie como tu me sabe hacer cafe" I also talked to Nestor and he told me "el corazon tiene razones que la razon desconoce" this was a trip to recover ourselves from the hangover of the party before, nice weekend. Picture taken with my mobile, sorry for the resolution.
Two parties into one, one "vallenato" music group, one mariachi (mexican) music group, Jorge de la mancha, mobile in the toilet, gay classmate, everything!!!!. Picture taken with my mobile, sorry for the resolution.
A saturday to ever forget, we all played in this place a colombian game called "tejo" the winner, Christian, Mr. Clinton didint go that day cause he was on his presidential duty, I was driving so I couldnt stay longer. Picture taken with my mobile, sorry for the resolution.