Stanford Symphony Orchestra, after eating shit for a while, things start to get better, a thousand dollars per week, beers at $8, business here and there, their cases before and after are hysterical. I can get out of my head chicaque, but eventually I will. !"·$"·$%&/ U. What´s wrong with me? MESSA DE REQUIEM, I remember another day, a long time ago with the movie and his brother, after watching the video, I never expected that, I also remember Rotsen, He said it was the best opera ever, I guess hes was right, besides it was in the place where we will meet on april 13, 2008 at 1 pm.
Aqui, alla. Cerca, lejos. En suenos, despierta. Los dias solo pasan, pasan sin el pero el. El cree que todo fue una mentira pero el sabor del rojo no se borra, como tampoco el dia que se durmio al tocar sus cabellos. Ojala todo eso hubiera sido mentira para que no taladrara la conciencia.
You will forget, you will.
(&*$!#&% what is happening with me?)
que desperdicio de tiempo, amor, sangre y vida que resulto ser usted, odio vivir en su mentira, se atreve a llamarlo burbuja, que creativa, que absurda.
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