Sunday, December 31, 2006


He drinks, she puzzles, next round will be "The persistance of the memory" and Salvador Dali


Not doing anything is a plan that starts with N (Nothing), days go by and I dont feel guilty of leaving time pass. chess, puzzles, kisses.

Thursday, December 21, 2006


a)In prison you spend the majority of your time in an 8x10 cell. At work you spend most of your time in a 6x8 cubicle.

b)In prison you get 3 meals a day. At work you get a break for 1 meal and you have to pay for it.

c)In prison you get time off for good behavior. At work you get rewarded for good behavior with more work. In prison you can watch TV and play games. At work you get fired for watching TV and playing games.

d)In prison a guard locks, unlocks, opens and closes all doors for you. At work you must carry around a security card and unlock and open all doors yourself.

e)In prison you get your own toilet. At work you have to share.

f)In prison they allow you to visit your family and friends. At work you can't even speak to family and friends.

g)In prison all expenses are paid by taxpayers, with no work required. At work, you get to pay all the expenses to go to work and then they deduct taxes from your salary to pay for the prisoners.

h)In prison you spend most of your life looking through bars from the inside wanting to get out. At work you spend most of your time wanting to get out and inside bars.

i)In prison you can join many programs that you can leave at any time. At work there are some programs you can never get out of.

j)In prison there are wardens who are often sadistic and psychotic. At work we call them managers!


The world known is only 4 percent; this aint nothing, I wich I could see more, but neither my passport nor my pocket let me do it. Hopefully next year I can see a couple more. To create your own map go to:

Sunday, November 05, 2006


The Jackal, is this guy that became one of the most notorious terrorist in the world, as big as Bin Laden back then, still alive and prisoned in France, Carlos (his real name is Ilich Ramirez) is been used in many movies, among them, "The Jackal" with Bruce Willis.

Watching this movie a few years ago I remember my father saying that the Jackal was actually south american, I was like, what....?

In fact and surprisingly, this guy was born in Venezuela and studied law. Guess where? Of course, Bogota, Colombia, in "La Universidad Libre".

For full biography, written by an American (obviously) go to: CRIME LIBRARY PROFILES

Friday, November 03, 2006


Yesterday I felt like going to the movies, havent been there lately, checked online and nothing was really on, jus a bunch of crappy productions, checking what there was in Hornsby I found "Children of Men" and this is a sci-fi story with Clive Owen (Closer) and it is in the future, where human beings cannot procreate anymore (sounds fun) I went there not expecting much, but the movie was really good. Well done movie, made me think of second world war, sliders and Julius and all of his ideas about the end of the world, by the way, Julius is my boss and he is into all these conspiracy theories, human being creating biological weapons to depopulate this world by for instace no letting more human to be born. I liked the soundtrack, mix of bullets, screams and the movie, adter 18 year without a birth, there is a immigrant in England pregnant (Immmigrants are to be killed by britons in the movie) England is the only place that has survived.

The movie was directed by a mexican, Alfonso Cuaron.


My ex girlfriend once said if she got to be with 20 men in her life, she will sound as if she was a whore. How many people you have been with and how old are you so far? By the time she said this she was 27 and I dont know how many she has been with.


by soulful_kris

Here's the formula:
Age - 18 = maximum number of men she can sleep with before she's a whore.

by Mumbling Girl

Whoa! that's a lot dude, seriously!

I'm not a conservative person, but at 29 years old, I've been with four--3 of them were ex, the last one is my current BF.

by Julie W

First of all, if you love her, it shouldn't matter who or how many men she has been with as long as she has a clean bill of health. That was her past. You are hoping to be her future am I right? Then let it go. It really is none of your business.
I have had my share of sexual partners and my only concern for my future mate is that I am not bringing anything into the relationship that shouldn't be there. (you get my drift.) I am 28+ and if my man asks me that question, he will get this same answer.

by joeyboy_816

I say 1 new person a month from ages 21-30
thats 9 yrs 9 times 12 equals 96
moore than that and your a whore or my best friend

by Amanda

I am 19 and I have been with two people.

by Newfie_Girl

I am 25 and i ahve been with 7 guys and that's since i was 16


Tuesday, October 31, 2006


No se si me parece bacano la publicidad por lo bien que habla de los colombianos, o tambien me da miedo pensar que los colombianos aplican tanto a esa visa, que ya nadie quiere quedarse en el pais.

Sunday, October 22, 2006


Now in the sky, two planes can play this game, crazy but cool.

Friday, October 20, 2006


My new house mate, Mr. No Frills´ son. El señor Punkero. This is a crown siamese fighting fish, and hes got a new house. LOL.

Friday, October 13, 2006


Cuando era chinche, este morraco llamado Alf era el programa de TV mas visto en el mundo, a tal punto que toda niña conocida tuvo el famosisimo "copete de Alf"!! Hay que ver las fotos de todas mis primas, muy poquitas se salvaron la verdad.


Un pollo al borde de una carretera, cruzo al otro lado.

PREGUNTA: Por qué el pollo cruzó la carretera?


* Para ir al otro lado.


* Por su bien. Al otro lado de la carretera se encuentra la Verdad.


* Esta en la naturaleza del pollo el cruzar las carreteras


* Era históricamente inevitable


* Para llegar adonde ningun otro pollo habia jamas llegado antes.


* He tenido un sueño donde todos los pollos eran libres de cruzar una carretera sin tener que justificar sus actos


* Y Dios descendió del paraíso y le dijo al pollo: "cruza la carretera". Y el pollo cruzo y El vio que esto era bueno.


* El pollo no cruzo la carretera, repito, el pollo no cruzo nunca la carretera


* El hecho de que te preocupe porque el pollo cruzo la carretera ya revela tu fuerte sentimiento de inseguridad sexual latente.


* Precisamente acabamos de comprar la carretera con el pollo incluido para desarrollar el Microsoft Virtual Pollo 2003. Posiblemente en el Service Pack 14 se conteste la interrogante planteada.


* Preguntarse tal cosa es renegar de tu propia naturaleza de pollo


* La razón esta en vosotros, pero no la conocéis todavía. Mediante un módico pago de $1.500 mas el alquiler de un detector de mentiras, le haremos un análisis psicológico que nos permitirá descubrir la razón.


* Juro sobre la constitución que no ha pasado nada entre el pollo y yo.


* El hecho de que sea el pollo el que cruce la carretera o que sea la carretera la que se mueve bajo el pollo es relativo al referencial.


* El pollo puede cruzar la carretera en vano, solo el Maestro conoce el ruido de su sombra detrás de la pared.


* El pollo no existe.


* Hay que fusilar al pollo inmediatamente, y también a los testigos de la escena y a diez personas escogidas al azar por no haber impedido este acto subversivo


* ¿Cómo logró pasar si teníamos minada la carretera?


* Desplazaremos todo el gallinero y lo haremos desde el Congreso.


* El hecho de que el pollo haya cruzado la carretera con toda impunidad a pesar de las resoluciones de la ONU representa una grave ataque a la democracia, la justicia y la libertad. Esto prueba sin ninguna duda que teníamos que haber bombardeado esta carretera hace tiempo. Con el objetivo de garantizar la paz en esa región, y para evitar que los valores que defendemos sean otra vez atacados por este tipo de terrorismo, el gobierno de los Estados Unidos de América ha decidido enviar 17 porta aviones, 46 destructores y 154 fragatas, con el apoyo desde tierra de 243.000 soldados de infantería y por el aire de 846 bombarderos, que tendrán por misión, en nombre de la libertad y de la democracia, el eliminar todo asomo de vida en los gallineros a 5.000 km a la redonda, y después, asegurarse con unos disparos de misiles muy precisos de que todo lo que parezca de lejos o de cerca un gallinero sea reducido a un montón de cenizas y no pueda nunca mas desafiar a nuestra nacion con su arrogancia. Hemos decidido también que después, ese pais sera generosamente dirigido por nuestro gobierno, que reconstruirá gallineros según las normas vigentes de seguridad, poniendo a su frente un gallo elegido democráticamente por el embajador de los USA. Para financiar todas estas reconstrucciones, nos conformaremos con el control absoluto de toda la producción de cereales de la región durante 30 anos, sabiendo que los habitantes locales se beneficiaran de una tarifa preferente sobre una parte de la producción, a cambio de su total cooperación. En este nuevo pais de justicia, paz y libertad, podemos asegurares que nunca mas un pollo intentar cruzar una carretera, por la simple razón que no habrá mas carreteras y q ue los pollos no tendrán patas. Que Dios bendiga a América!

*ALVARO URIBE VELEZ: (Presidente de Colombia)

* Apoyaremos incondicionalmente al gobierno de los Estados Unidos

Thursday, September 21, 2006


The man who said "I'd rather be lucky than good" saw deeply into life. People are afraid to face how great a part of life is dependent on luck. It's scary to think so much is out of one's control. There are moments in a match when the ball hits the top of the net, and for a split second, it can either go forward or fall back. With a litte luck, it goes forward, and you win. Or maybe it doesn't, and you lose.
Sounds familiar? I bet you know...

I am coming back to a subject that always interest me, chaos theory. Are we all part of a plan or there is free will, not sure yet, maybe next year!!!

Wednesday, September 06, 2006


Presentism is the belief that neither the future nor the past exist; that the matter of the universe only exists in the present moment, that time is merely a concept of man used to describe what is going on around him.
The principle of causality is one of the main reasons that ends with any theory about time travel, what if I go back on time and kill my grand father?

Monday, August 28, 2006


A french film made by two students, one of them "Salvador Dali" I really had no idea he also made movies, I can see the hand of Dali in this movies, however, he didnt follow a career in the cinema as buñuelo, the other student did. Dali, a spanish artist that change Spain for France made history in cinema as well.

Wednesday, July 26, 2006


LONDON (AFP) - The tiny South Pacific Ocean archipelago of Vanuatu is the happiest country on Earth, according to a study published measuring people's wellbeing and their impact on the environment.

COLOMBIA, Costa Rica, Dominica and Panama complete the top five in the Happy Planet Index, compiled by the British think-tank New Economics Foundation (NEF).

Italy came out best in 66th place, ahead of Germany (81), Japan (95), Britain (108), Canada (111), France (129), the United States (150) and Russia, in lowly 172nd place

Does this sounds familiar?
"This is not a consumer-driven society. Life here is about community and family and goodwill to other people. It's a place where you don't worry too much."

Colombia is in the top 5 I can assure it is like that!!

Selected others: 17. Philippines; 23. Indonesia; 31. China; 32. Thailand; 44. Malaysia; 62. India; 64. Iceland; 70. Netherlands; 87. Spain; 88. Hong Kong; 89. Saudi Arabia; 99. Denmark; 112. Pakistan; 115. Norway; 119. Sweden; 123. Finland; 139. Australia; 154. UAE; 156. South Africa; 159. Kuwait; 166. Qatar.

Check the whole article in Yahoo news here!!

Wednesday, July 19, 2006


Life in the tangent universe, what has been said about this, includes even books in mathematics, so I don’t pretend to talk about the theory, but what Hill happen in tangent universe if I disappear tomorrow, this existentialist question I am doing now takes me to think who will miss my existence, maybe not, but maybe my family and I mean my mom, my sister, my brother, dad, some days they don’t know whether I am alive or not, for a period of 24 hours is careless, maybe a week will make them wonder.
In a day I will be missed at work, either by Fijian Praneel or Philippine Julius, maybe they will call my mobile, maybe not.
Salazar the housemate will wonder also my existence, but if I don’t show up he wouldn’t say anything, I have done it already many times.
At the end for 24 hours the tangent universe opened will not affect the present one.
What to do then, during this 24 hours, it is freezing now, just landed some money in the account, I will go to buy a Ray Charles CD, go to a Colombian restaurant, spend 100 dollars in things I haven’t taste in months. Lie down in the middle of Hyde Park to listen my brand new CD and by the end of the day avoid doing something really bad, just after that, hot coffee, it is raining and I just observe.
What if the two tangent universes mix each other…first thing to do is go to myself and contemplate all the oblivious and idiot things I do.
I would like to say detail by detail what will be the consequences of thing done during the day, but stupidly my math level doesn’t let me comprehend it.
I read about petite anglaise and now I found her, just two hours after, maybe all the things that happen, they do happen I just don’t realize.

Monday, July 17, 2006


Thinking on the violence problem and human beings, I wonder what was the biggest cause of deaths, and even though natural disasters and natural deaths and all that stuff counts for a lot of people dying, the reality is, we just kill each other, how? Mostly with guns, so I keep wondering who provides guns? I have always heard of countries such as USA and Russia (famous AK-47) think is Russian, and then I searched and found the five largest suppliers in the period 2001-2005, in order of value, were Russia, the U.S., France, Germany and the U.K. (is this magic?)
I know people in this countries kill each other, but I also know that is not as much as in countries in Africa, Asia and South America. I keep wondering and start searching results for Colombia and found that 80% of the homicides are done using firearms. (Is not that different in other countries).

The Hydra is mythical animal and real too with this amazing thing of having its parts growing when they were cut. (regeneration, let's call it).

That animal is named after this problem in Colombia, you do something here to fix it, but something then comes up!! I mention here Colombia because is where I come from, but I am sure that chinese, africans and some asians have a lot to say about this...

Monday, July 10, 2006


Nunca antes en la vida había tomado tantas duchas, en el mañana, pasado el meridiano y a las 2 a.m., tal vez cuando el gobierno de la florida subsidiaba el agua que venia de los pantanos y llegaba a la casa a las 4 no había nadie, y tomaba una ducha larga, fue el momento mas parecido al presente.
Esta vez no es así, esta vez los ecólogos me quieren asesinar, pues puedo estar toda la noche, debajo de la lluvia.
A decir verdad mi próximo invento es una lluvia entre la casa, y un piso en el que pueda dormir.
No necesitaré de la luz, pues ya puedo ver en la oscuridad, aunque a veces un bochorno de luz me asusta, pues no se su procedencia.
Cualquiera de los dos Enio Morricone o Martin emiten en el primer piso, yo no los puedo escuchar nítidamente pues el sonido del agua es más fuerte. Pero se todo ya.
Las letras podrían extenderse hasta el tamaño de los ensayos, pero no vale la pena, pues a nadie voy a poder matar.

Monday, July 03, 2006


On the phone was Christian, he was listening to Chris Martin making jokes about how stupid he was, the truth is that Coldplay is awesome and the money paid for that ticket couldntve been spent better. I was reviewing what was likely to be listened in the Concert and "trouble" wasnt in the list, but when I heard the first two seconds and then stopped I knew I was gonna listen to...!!
The first song in the concert was "Square One", the numbers behind and 20000 mouths yelling and singing.
The last one was "In my place".



Tuesday, June 27, 2006


Sydney once again, now from a different perspective.


Here is Uni, still missing the lake and the shopping centre in that picture.


This is my place, there´s a forrest behind


Here is work, next to Epping Road.

Sunday, June 25, 2006


In less than 72 hours, I will have COLDPLAY singing TROUBLE right at my face!!


Saturday, June 17, 2006


No doubt USA is the country where Spanglish is widespread, however, Australia is not an exception, and even when I dont want to relate to names I can say I have heard, things such: "Tú eres más HAIRY en COMPARISON TO HIM", it should be "you are more hairy compared to him" or "tú eres mas peludo en comparacion a el".

Spanish speaking people call the city "la city".

There are others like "Tell me LO TODO", it should be "Tell me everything" or "Dimelo todo". (horroroso)

In USA is more common thought, the hispanics there use the word "so" in th middle of a conversation in spanish, and call things such a carpet, "la carpeta".

I remember being there listening to things like:

"Ya me voy a get up"
"Voy a diggear el piso"


Una bien campeona es "te voy a llama pa tras" que viene del "call back" en ingles.
El pais que mas recuerdo ver mezclar esto, ademas de los chicanos (que no son un país) es Purto Rico.

Thursday, June 15, 2006


Por Enrique Santos Discepolo

Que el mundo fue y sera una porqueria,
ya lo se...
En el quinientos seis
y en el dos mil también!
Que siempre ha habido chorros,
maquiavelos y estafaos,
contentos y amargaos,
valores y dublés...
Pero que el siglo veinte
es un despliegue
de maldad insolente
ya no hay quien lo niegue.
Vivimos revolcaos en un merengue
y en un mismo lodo
todos manoseaos...
Hoy resulta que es lo mismo
ser derecho que traidor..!
Ignorante, sabio, chorro,
generoso o estafador!
Todo es igual! Nada es mejor!
Lo mismo un burro
que un gran profesor!
No hay aplazaos ni escalafon,
los inmorales nos han igualao.
Si uno vive en la impostura
y otro roba en su ambicion,
da lo mismo que sea cura,
colchonero, rey de bastos,
caradura o polizon...

Que falta de respeto,
que atropello a la razon!
Cualquiera es un señor!
Cualquiera es un ladron!
Mezclao con Stavisky va Don Bosco
y "La Mignon,"
Don Chicho y Napoleon,
Carnera y San Martin...
Igual que en la vidriera irrespetuosa
de los cambalaches
se ha mezclao la vida
y herida por un sable sin remache
ves llorar la Biblia
contra un calefon.

Siglo veinte, cambalache
problematico y febril!
El que no llora, no mama,
y el que no afana es un gil.
Dale nomas! Dale que va!
Que alla en el horno
nos vamo a encontrar!
No pienses mas,
sentate a un lao.
Que a nadie importa
si naciste honrao.
Que es lo mismo el que labura
noche y dia, como un buey
que el que vive de los otros,
que el que mata o el que cura
o esta fuera de la ley.
That the world was and it will be filth,
I already know...
In the year five hundred and six
and in the year two thousand too!
There always have been thieves,
traitors and victims of fraude,
happy and bitter people,
valuables and imitations
But, that the twentieth century
is a display
of insolent malice,
nobody can deny it anymore.
We lived sunk in a fuzz
and in the same mud
all well-worn...
Today it happens it is the same
to be decent or a traitor!
To be an ignorant, a genius, a pickpocket,
a generous person or a swindler!
All is the same! Nothing is better!
They are the same, an idiot ass
and a great professor!
There are no failing grades or merit valuations,
the inmorals have caught up with us.
If one lives in a pose
and another, in his ambition, steals,
it's the same if it's a priest,
a matress maker, a king of clubs,
a cad or a tramp.

What a lack of respect,
what a way to run over reason!
Anybody is a gentleman!
Anybody is a thief!
Mixed with Stavinsky, you have Don Bosco
and La Mignon
don Chicho and Napoleon,
Carnera and San Martin.
Like in the disrespectful window
of the bazaars,
life is mixed up,
and wounded by a rivetless sword
you can see a Bible crying
against a water heater.

Twentieth century, bazaar
problematic and feverish!
If you don't cry you don't get fed
and if you don't steal you're a stupid.
Go ahead! Keep it up!
That there, in hell
we're gonna reunite.
Don't think anymore,
move out of the way.
Nobody seems to care
if you were born honest.
It's the same the one who works,
day and night like an ox,
than the one who lives from the others,
than the one that kills or heals
or than the one who lives outside the law.

Saturday, June 10, 2006


And I mean Colombia, actually I was asked by many people if we qualified, to which I had to said, embarrased, No, we did not.
Checking back, why we are not a this world cup, I guess, it´s because we have a history of messing things big time in sports.
Let´s say! what do people remember about Colombia Soccer Team?
Yes!, of course Andres Escobar, and a drunk bodyguard shooting him, god knows how many times after USA 94 world cup elimination.
Just recently I think a few colombian soccer players were killed, not that I am proud of! But Colombia is passion, isnt it? Even when is the sort of wrong passion.
We are not this year in the world cup and if things keep going like this, maybe I won´t see my team in the near future playing in such event, I wish to see them next time.

Monday, June 05, 2006


If I were a Dead Russian Composer, I would be Igor Stravinsky.

Known as a true son of the new 20th Century, my music started out melodic and folky but slowly got more dissonant and bizzare as I aged. I am a traveler and a neat freak, and very much hated those rotten eggs thrown at me after the premiere of "The Rite of Spring."

Who would you be? Dead Russian Composer Personality Test


Every other sunday, I catch a ferry to go from Manly to Sydney, ever since the first day I have done this trip, I find this city, wonderful!! Probably one of the most beautiful cities in the world, I guess I still have to see other cities before making up my mind about that.
Yesterday the waves where huge, the water evern got inside the ferry a few times.
scary, but nice.
I was listening "nights in white satin".

Sunday, June 04, 2006


Es como contradictorio decir:

Sabio es aquél que piensa antes de actuar
El que piensa, pierde

No dejes para mañana lo que puedes hacer hoy
Del afan no queda sino el cansancio

Mas vale tarde que nunca
Loro viejo nunca aprende

No por madrugar, amanece mas temprano
Al que madruga Dios le ayuda

Perro que ladra no muerde
Cuando el río suena, piedras lleva

A grandes males grande remedios
A veces el remedio es peor que la enfermedad

Definitivamente los dichos no sirven pa' un carajo!!!

Saturday, June 03, 2006


You simply need to join the US army!!!!
The number of civilians REPORTED killed by military intervention in IRAQ is at least 38000!!
This means, mums, grandmas, children.
So you know now, if you want to kill somebody, get away with it and get paid besides!! Join the US army.

Friday, June 02, 2006


En la mitología griega Némesis (llamada Ramnusia, la «diosa de Ramnus» en su santuario de Ramnus) es la diosa de la venganza y la fortuna. Es una deidad antigua, por lo que no está sometida a los dictámenes de los olímpicos. Castiga sobre todo la desmesura. Sus sanciones tienen usualmente la intención de dejar claro a los hombres que, debido a su condición humana, no pueden ser excesivamente afortunados ni deben trastocar con sus actos, ya sean buenos o malos, el equilibrio universal. Un claro ejemplo lo encontramos en Creso, que al ser demasiado dichoso fue arrastrado por Némesis a una expedición contra Ciro que provocó su ruina.

Wednesday, May 31, 2006


International Accounting
Strategic Intelligence
Marketing Communications
This time is only three instead of four, I could say it should be easier, but is crap as usual, I guess the only difference is that I have no Kit Kats to study with. I miss Geraldine, I got up feeling homesick today. I feel dry, tired.

Thursday, May 25, 2006


Que duro es sentir que el café se está quedando sin latte… no se empata mi corazón ni con la razón ni con nada…aniquilar una esperanza…Carpe Diem… Hoy se cumple el día No. 6 de este año…Preciso de café en "presente eterno"… Mi amas vin tre multe.

Wednesday, May 10, 2006


Check More Pictures Here!!

It really doesnt it matter if I´ve been here more than a year, anytime I have the chance to cross the harbour bridge or look at the Opera House, I do it, I still like this view and I am not tired of it as some sydneysiders might feel like.

Tuesday, May 09, 2006


Gentilic is defined as name of an inhabitant or inhabitants of a country, region or city.
In my case "Colombian" because I was born in Colombia, "Australian" then to someone born in Australia.
What is the gentilic for United States of America?
American citizens are so selfish in their language they call themselves "Americans" when America is a continent and not just one country.
In that case Americans are also from Canadians to Argentinians, even myself, I was born in a continent called America.
So how to call the people from USA?
At least in english there is not other way, leaving them as probably one of the countries in the world without a gentilic.
Even english (people from England) have a gentilic, so it is not a matter of english language.
In spanish we can call "estadounidenses" to the people of USA, however that is a second mistake, because there are also other countries named as United States, for example (Estados Unidos do Brasil or Estados Unidos Mexicanos).
This all lead me to only way the people from USA can be named, and that is a before-pejorative (derogatory) GRINGO, which is not a gentilic for white people but for the people of USA only.
By the way, gringo is actually coming from two words in english GREEN-GO, which became famous during Vietnam War, shouted by Vietnamese people regading USA soldiers.

Thursday, May 04, 2006


Check More Pictures Here!!

This is Bogota, and this is just an area in the city, is called "La Candelaria" and its gorgeous!!

Tuesday, April 18, 2006


Check More Pictures Here!!

Investigando con los Australianos donde podiamos comer el mejor Aussie Pie, nos recomendaron en Woloomooloo ir a Harrys Cafe the Wheels, alli estuvimos con Nelson antes de que regresara a Colombia y esto fue lo que encontramos...un par de pies que estuvieron buenisimos!!! Hasta el capitan de KFC estuvo aca, al menos estaba en las fotos que este cuchitril australiano tenia.

Tuesday, April 11, 2006


Check More Pictures Here!!

I'm back!!! I've been out due to IT mismanagement decisions and bad luck, but anyway, in the mean time I took five days off and head to Melbourne to take a look to the Grand Prix and have AJIACO, yes!!!! This city is definately more cultural and more alternative than Sydney, here with the opera house and the harbour bridge we have a city to be shown to the world, while there with trams and wine I feel more back in time...There are more universities in the city which makes it different and definately the night life is also charged with things like for example the best Latin Jazz ever heard.


Check More Pictures Here!!

The 12 Apostles is one of the world wonders, and hell it is!! We rent a Holden Barina and went along the Great Ocean Road, up to 180 Km/h, the landscape there left me speechless.


Check More Pictures Here!!

Como raro Montoya no hizo nada, faltando 10 vueltas se salio en una curva...ademas inexplicablemente en el safety car se dejo pasar de dos autos e hizo fila en pits con kimi...obvio aqui en la carrera no se puede apreciar tanto como en television...aunque hay pantallas gigantes igual para observar la carrera, la otra cosa son los motores de los autos, suenan tan fuerte como un avion y llega a ser hasta incomodo en algunos momentos...faltando 4 vueltas me fui hacia el podio y no me di cuenta de lo que le paso a Jenson Button, pero al menos se tomaron buenas fotos...Montoya no quiso saludarnos.